The very title of this is wrong because the moment someone
vacates a home but keeps it in order to profit it ceases to be a home
(at least for them) and becomes little more than an asset.
#1-I need to rent it
I call bullshit! Ask why you need to rent it rather than sell it, if you need
the home you couldn't rent it to someone else so if you don't need the home there's no reason
not to sell it.
#2-I am not profiting from it
Again bull, unless your renting at a value that pays back the tenants an
equivalent to the inflation felt on the house you're profiting by the fact you
own something that is gaining value against a loan that you are not paying but
your tenants are.
Or to put it into even simpler terms, you're accruing equity while the tenants are taking the risk.
#3- but if I sold it someone else would buy it as a rental
This I can't deny, yes there are plenty of greed driven people out there that wish
to make money by virtue of the fact they already have capitol. But I ask you if
you see an abandoned item at the side of the road do you take it home
because"if you didn't someone else would?" That's my point one is
somehow seen morally wrong and the other somehow acceptable.
In other words I better do something bad before someone else does, and profit by it.
#3- people need to rent
The irritating thing about this is that due to current circumstances ie. too
few owners compared to houses this is true and the people who buy to let tend
not to understand far reaching economic principles.
Essentially if buy to rent
were to be abolished the result would be a property glut and prices would
plummet, all be it to a level they should've been at, and of course those that
are renting at a rate more or less equivalent to paying back a mortgage would
actually own. In fact the one and only reason for rental is short term, which
is not what angers me.
I find people who rent out a property are greedy by virtue of the fact they seek to get money literally while they sleep, so providing no true benefit to the populous and no driving force for betterment.
These people sicken me but are most likely too thick to realise they're part of the larger problem
I find people who rent out a property are greedy by virtue of the fact they seek to get money literally while they sleep, so providing no true benefit to the populous and no driving force for betterment.
These people sicken me but are most likely too thick to realise they're part of the larger problem
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