Sometimes it is nice to be able to access properties from a properties file in the same way as enums are accessed within Java. By this I mean that you can simply use the '.' (dot) notation and you get exactly what you expect.
for example with this enum
enum Colours { BLUE(1), GREEN(2), RED(3); private int num; Colours( final int i ) { num = i; } int getValue() { return num; } }
you can expect that
int iCol = Colours.GREEN.getValue();
will not only compile but also give the correct number to iCol.
Now imagine that the colour blue is no longer to be represented by the number 1 but the number 7 instead, you would need to re-compile you enum in order to get the correct number.
Very Simple Solution
now take this code
enum KFType { type( "type", ConversionType.INT ), words( "words", ConversionType.STRING ), //example in overriding the getter special( "special", ConversionType.INT ) { @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" ) @Override T getValue() { Integer t = super.getValue(); return (T) Integer.valueOf( t.intValue() + 10 ); } }; private ConversionType c; private String tag; private static final Properties keyFile = new Properties(); static { try { keyFile.load( new FileInputStream( "path to props" ) ); } catch ( IOException ioe ) { ioe.printStackTrace(); } } KFType( final String t, final ConversionType con ) { c = con; tag = t; } T getValue() { return c.convert( keyFile.get( tag ) ); } } @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" ) enum ConversionType { INT { Integer convert( Object o ) { return Integer.valueOf( o.toString() ); } }, STRING { String convert( Object o ) { return o.toString(); } }; abstract T convert( Object o ); }
The disadvantage here is that in order to get any changed values from the properties file the jvm will need to reload the enumerated type which normally means a restart (I think). The big advantage here is that you can now use properties from properties file, or an xml file as if they were code.
I have also shown that you can perform some sort of transformation to the values read from the properties file, here I simply add 10 to the number read but there is no reason why we couldn't wrap text in an http url or something similar.
Look at the output of this
public void testEnum() {
System.out.println( ((Integer)KFType.type.getValue()) + 10 );
System.out.println( ((Integer)KFType.special.getValue()) + 10 );
System.out.println( KFType.words.getValue() );
System.out.println( KFType.special.getValue().getClass() );
System.out.println( KFType.words.getValue().getClass() );
these are words
class java.lang.Integer
class java.lang.String
this is when I use the following properties
words=these are words
That's really helpful and far neater than the other way that I was going to load my properties.
ReplyDeleteI have also been able to keep my class under 100 lines with this enum methodology which should please Mr Arno :)