Monday, 28 July 2008

Fuel Prices

everyone moans about fuel prices and in turn then they moan about the government for taxing it. I would be a liar if I said fuel isn't taxed a hell of a lot here in the uk but I did read a survey that said that taxation hasn't kept up with inflation rates. If tax is removed from the fuel it will then have to be added somewhere else because the government can't cope with losing revenue. I hear the ridiculous scare tactic of panorama talk about "negative equity" in a car, well durrr the value of a car never increases so how could you ever have anything other than negative equity!! Put quite simply we are much richer now than we were say 20 years ago. Don't believe me, well think of this one 20 years ago how many 17 year olds had cars?? Let alone brand new cars!! How many families has more than one car or would even consider a large capacity vehicle (ie. a 4x4) unless it was an absolute must. Also on panorama they said high quality hydrogen cars were still many years away?? I've not checked yet but I was sure Honda made one. What is starting to really get on my nerves is that a lot of people moan and winge about the price of fuel but still refuse to change their habits. From making sure the car being driven is not carrying extra weight and has well inflated tyres to not using the car for journies under a mile or so plus more fuel is used when accelerating quickly and hard braking yet you see this all too often. Once again I am reminded that oh so many people refuse to think.

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