Sunday, 18 November 2012

What to do?

I've got a load of ideas buzzing round my head at the moment so thought I'd slap them down on here so I'll be forced to actually see it through!

  1. I have a gps unit that works with the mtkbabel program, however it also has bluetooth connectivity that I've never used before. My plan is to write some j2me app that can use the bluetooth and this unit to give gps to my really old mobile phone.
  2. I want to make a javascript based drawing application that produces svg graphics, which I am only starting to play with but finding really cool.
  3. combine 1+2 so that the svg is a scaled image that the gps coordinates can be plotted on.
  4. make a good window switcher for windows 7 because all of the ones I've found so far suck donkey's balls.
  5. finish making my algebraic compression algorithm combining the fact the a rubicks cube can be put into millions (if not billions) of positions but you can get from any one to another with just 23 moves. Fractals can make infinitely complex patterns from relatively simple rules. the path from one piece of data to another can be plotted by some mathematical formula, I think genetic algorithms could be used to discover the best fit formula.
  6. I think I could take gpx and transform it to svg via some clever xslt, that'd be swish.
  7. fed up with there being no 100% standards compliant browser I've decided to make my own, however I've decided to make the entire thing a cluster of modules that can all be pulled out and replaced. This has a good side effect in that I want to describe the outcome of javascript programs as simple operations to be performed on the browser, these can be described as a series of simplistic commands much like idl or bytecode. This in turn means that no one is stuck with using javascript if they don't want to they can make a module that interprets whatever language they want into idl. Since the language will only effect the browser the sandbox will be the browser, plus a web page that uses a module that the user doesn't have can actually supply the module to the user and it will be automatically installed just for the browser. The other thing is that I like the pipeline model of IIS (and the chaining of command line apps in *Nix based machines) so I want the entire thing to be a cool little pipeline where each module effects the document as it flows through the pipe and is presented to the user :)
  8. make a world simulator, objects with gravity, collisions e.t.c. all with a view to simulating a clock mechanism and then make the mechanism a reality.

There are other things but these are the first few I can think of and want to get cracking on.

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