Tuesday, 19 February 2008
there goes another paradise
so with the announcement that Fidel Castro is going to retire lots of people are getting excited about the whole thing.
The US say that they want to bring democracy to Cuba, when they can't even provide true democracy to their own country I find this hard to believe. If they take their own ideas of democracy to Cuba this will probably mean that some of those beautiful jungles I crossed will become development sites for holiday homes, starbuck and macdonalds as long as they are able to line the pockets of the people making the legislation.
While I am on the matter the BBC reporting is getting more and more inaccurate, sensationalizing everything presumably to maintain the interest of 90% of the population that are more interested in which slapper of a celebrity has fallen out of what club wearing what dress!!!
for a start the BBC said that the inhabitants of Cuba lived in poverty with barely enough money to live and they all hate Castro. I didn't see much evidence of this really, I mean yes I did see that the general population didn't have a great deal of money due to trade embargo thanks to the US, but in a communist state you shouldn't even need money. Everyone I spoke to liked Fidel except for the richer people of Havana who had property seized by the government, but again the majority of them were on the payroll of the mafia as far as I could make out.
There was also another report that said suicides in Wales may be due to kids using chat rooms like beebo and facebook, I am sorry but neither of these are chat rooms and I have completely lost my faith in the reporting from the BBC.
In other news they have said that Porsche (girls car makers) are going to contest the fact that drivers of more polluting cars will have to pay a £25 congestion charge in the courts. Heres a thought Porsche why don't you try and make your cars more efficient!! Also if you can afford to run a car like the chayenne monstrosity then a £25 fee wouldn't even be noticed. Maybe they are being clever in launching this action so that they get back more than enough in free publicity to boost their falling sales to warrant them squandering money on an ill conceived legal action.
Monday, 11 February 2008
Whats with 4x4's
I can understand someone having a 4x4 if they need to get across uneven terrain, or if they need to carry bulky equipment e.t.c. but I hardly think the M25 counts as rough terrain and even the round bulbous balding frame of a man driving doesn't really count as heavy machinery. So why is it that everytime I drive into town Iam faced with a carpark stocked with half the number of cars it was built for because people driving these things "need" 1.5 parking spaces!!!
Lets face it do you need a 4x4 - No, did you buy it for the added safety - No (don't kid yourself, you didn't). Did you buy it for its fuel economy (ha ha sorry had to add that one) or quite simply did you like so many sheep decide that its fashionable and wanted one, thus proving that independant thought is dead and that you are now simply a consumer automaton. The 4x4 has now taken over from the (ridiculous) sports car as the penis extension only now rather than being a laugh to see on the road these monstrosities are getting in my way and hastening the demise of this planet yet these reverse-porcupine tins just seem to multiply (called reverse-porcupine tins as the pricks are on the inside)
The other reason I dislike 4x4 is the arrogant fools that tend to drive them. On my way to work I pass a few schools and if I am running late I always get stuck behind some woman driving a 4x4 whilst trying to keep 2 screaming kids under control during the 700yard drive to the school gate. One time a woman was driving along infront of me a slammed on the anchors, no danger as I was keeping a safe distance as these people tend to weave across the road when their mobile phone starts to play the latest god awful pseudo-rap song that happens to be the chav audio taste de jour. Anyway I couldn't believe this woman as she put on the universal parking lights, or as we norms call them hazard lights, she then proceeded to get out retrieve her hideous balls of blubber from the back of the car, kiss them goodbye then sent their arses off for another 8 hours of picking their nose and farting, whilst in the mean time a queue of traffic was building up and she was oblivious to the whole thing - twat!
Philosophical Outlook on things
It is true to say that every journey starts with a single step, and that great oak trees can spring from the smallest of acorns.
Quite simply put this means that a person is capable of great things but they must first choose to set out on the path to becomming great. I can't help but think that this lesson is lost on a great number of people, the children who play truant and commit crimes through boredom or the stoner that ignores an opportunity in favour of getting high. If these people realised their potential and then realised that is a very easy path as long as you put in the effort we would have a world filled with far happier people.
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